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Showing posts from May, 2013
It is an interesting and very tight rope we learn to walk when fighting cancer.  Positivity and optimism are almost as crucial (if not more) than the treatment itself.  Many people are diagnosed and in their minds that is it.  Upon hearing the news they go home, lock themselves away and accept an early death not even thinking they have a shot.  This is not an irrational way of dealing with cancer and with all the evidence suggesting this is usually the end game, this way of thinking is totally understandable.  The thing is though, this gets you nowhere and only makes what time you think you have left more and more devastating.  The mental side of cancer is almost unbearable at times.  Nobody wants to accept their own mortality and the fact that it is your own body that is trying to kill itself makes it exponentially worse. Staying positive and never once thinking that my end is anywhere near me has kept me going.  I am not an id...

Round 4; Ready Start!

Another huge gap in posts which there is no excuse for.  When I started this I said I would keep everyone updated and I have been doing a terrible job for which I apologize for.  I have been pretty busy with a lot of different things and just have not sat down to update everyone. The foundation is coming along exceptionally well and with the help of some awesome people I am really hoping this becomes something awesome.  It is slow moving and building a good web site is more work than I ever would have thought! Last weekend I went out to Vegas to the Stupid Cancer Young adult cancer summit in Las Vegas.  I met some amazing and wonderfully inspiring people.  I also made some great contacts for the foundation and with the help of other young adult cancer fighters, we had a night of partying (which I payed for dearly the following day.  Guess Im not in college anymore! )  It was such a nice thing to just get away and clear my head for a couple days, th...