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Showing posts from April, 2013

Round 3.

Well, quite a bit has happened since last time I posted a blog.  Ive had some major changes and some minor ones as well.  First off, I am happy to say Tasha and I have moved in together.  We have been through a lot with all of this nonsense and I am convinced that there are not too many things left in this world that could tear us apart.  This is the first time I have lived with a 'significant other' so I am kinda nervous, but excited!  Darryl also moved in with us so I not only get to live with my girlfriend, but my best friend as well.  This would have been the perfect set up 5 years ago back when we could stay up past 11pm, now if I am up past 10 I feel like I am going to turn into a pumpkin.  We got a nice little condo on the Santa Ana / Tustin border and it suits us quite well.  Moving while on treatment is not a fun thing to do, especially trying to fit a washing machine up a flight of stairs that had no more than 2 inches of play total. ...